The Project

Welcome to Capitol Goods, a blog chronicling the summer of four CAPAL interns in the Alexandria and D.C. area. We aim to provide resources for fellow interns, an introduction to Asian American activism, and funny/embarrassing stories of our time here.

Capitol Goods @ the Capitol

Capitol Goods @ the Capitol

The name Capitol Goods is play-on-words that Brittney came up with one day. In economics, “capital goods” are a durable object that is used in production of other goods or services. Since all four of us are economics majors, and our unpaid intern work is helping the bureaucratic production of government services, the name seemed appropriate. We also altered the spelling of “capital” to better reflect the location that we are working in—near the heart of Washington D.C.

Each week, we will be posting on a different topic. Brittney will be introducing the week’s theme on Monday, Julie will post on Tuesday, Laura is slated for Wednesday, and Daniel is scheduled for Friday (because we all know he will procrastinate anyway).

On Thursdays, we will post “snippets” of our intern life: hilarious stories, music that keeps us awake at the office, and more than you could possibly wish to know about us.

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